The live performance will most likely be in a pub where the group performs quite a lot. Therefore it would be polite to ask the owner for permission to take footage of the gig.
Character Type | Role within narrative |
Hero |
Villain |
Heroine |
Father |
Helper |
Donor |
Mentor |
As well as Aristotle deciding that 'all drama is conflict' in the 4th century BC, 20th century theorist Claude Levi-Strauss suggested that all narratives had to be driven forward by conflict that was cause by a series of opposing forces. he called this the theory of Binary Opposition, and it is used to describe how each main force in a narrative has its equal and opposite. Analysing a narrative means identifying these opposing forces eg
light/dark | good/evil | noise/silence | youth/age |
right/wrong | poverty/wealth | strength/weakness | inside/outside |
Mike Carroll
Bass Guitar
Chris Lockyear
"Mad" Mark Lander