Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Destruction Preventer - Advert Draft

Personally i feel that this draft can be improved. For example i think the composition needs to be changed, and items need to be added to create  a better looking, more professional advert.
Things to change:

- Firstly there is an absence  of logos and official images
- Removal of "c*nt" (censorship) 
- Website address needs to be moved under band logo 
- Pre-order information has to be smaller so as not to distract from what the advert is really trying to sell (the dvd).
- Band picture / members need to be clearer and stand out more
- "CASINO" needs to be larger to attract more attention

However there are things  like about this draft. For example:

- The colour scheme of white black and red, relates well to the DVD cover, and may possibly act as the bands motif.
- i like the way that the band logo is at the bottom of the page, just like in the DVD cover.

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